Truyền Thuyết Hồ Tiên,12 Chinese zodiac animals story in Chinese and English language – OK9

Truyền Thuyết Hồ Tiên,12 Chinese zodiac animals story in Chinese and English language

Title: Zodiac Animal Stories
1. Chinese versionJumanji
In China, there is an ancient legend about the animals of the zodiac. The story originated a long, long time ago and describes the deep bond of the twelve animals with humans and their place in the zodiac cycle. Let’s tell this amazing story.
In ancient times, there was a time when the gods in the heavenly court decided to choose twelve creatures to represent time. To be fair, they decided to hold a contest in which the first twelve creatures to arrive in the heavenly palace would be representatives of the zodiac signs. As soon as the news spread, many creatures signed up for the competition. There are 12 types of creatures: rats, cows, tigers, rabbits, dragons, snakes, horses, sheep, monkeys, chickens, dogs, and pigs. The race begins, and various creatures compete fiercely. Eventually, these twelve creatures were arranged in the order in which they arrived in the Heavenly Palace, becoming the order of the twelve zodiac signs. Each zodiac sign has its own unique character and symbolism. The rat represents wit, the ox represents industriousness, the tiger represents bravery, the rabbit represents prudence, the dragon represents authority, the snake represents wisdom, the horse represents vitality, the sheep represents peace, the monkey represents dexterity, the rooster represents diligence and alertness, the dog represents loyalty, and the pig symbolizes abundance and auspiciousnessThợ Săn Ma. The zodiac signs are a very important part of Chinese culture, and they represent people’s yearning and pursuit of a better life.
2. English version
InChina,thereisanancientlegendaboutthestoryofthetwelveChinesezodiacanimals.Thisstoryoriginatedalongtimeagoanddepictsthedeepconnectionbetweentwelveanimalsandhumans, aswellastheirpositionsinthezodiaccycle. Letustellthismarvelousstory.
Inancienttimes,thegodsintheheavensdecidedtoselecttwelvecreaturestorepresenttime. Tobefair,theydecidedtoholdacompetitionandletthefirsttwelvecreaturesthatarrivedattheHeavenlyPalacebecometherepresentativesofthetwelvezodiacanimals.Whenthenewsspread, manycreaturessigneduptoparticipateinthecompetition. Theparticipantsincludedtwelveanimalssuchasrats,cows,tigers,rabbits,dragons,snakes,horses,sheep,monkeys,roosters,dogs,andpigs. Theracebegan,andeachcreaturecompetedfiercely. Finally,thesetwelveanimalswererankedaccordingtotheorderofarrivalattheHeavenlyPalace,becomingthetwelvezodiacanimals. Eachzodiacanimalhasitsuniquepersonalityandsymbolicmeaning.Theratrepresentsintelligence,thecowrepresentshardwork,thetigerrepresentsbravery,therabbitrepresentscaution, thedragonrepresentsauthority,thesnakerepresentswisdom,thehorserepresentsvitality,thesheeprepresentspeace,themonkeyrepresentsdexterity, theroosterrepresentsdiligenceandvigilance,thedogrepresentsloyalty,andthepigsymbolizesabundanceandgoodfortune. ThetwelvezodiacanimalsareanessentialpartofChineseculture,representingpeople’sdesireandpursuitofabetterlife.
The above is the Chinese and English version of the story about the animals of the zodiac. This legend is not only educational, but also rich in cultural connotation and artistic value. These animal figures are also loved and worshipped by people and have become one of the unique symbols of Chinese culture.

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